In the heart of Children’s Week 2024 at the Florida Capitol, a magical spectacle unfolded as the Storybook Village came to life, inspiring young minds to “Dream Big,” this year’s Child’s Week theme. Storybook Village, an integral part of Children’s Week, transforms the plaza at the Florida Capitol into a wonderland of education and learning for children.
With support from the Children’s Service Council of Leon County and the FSU College of Social Work, the FSU Stoops Center for Communities, Families, and Children’s (Stoops Center) Rebound and Recovery Program team engaged with young children, educators, legislators, and caregivers about the importance of mental health awareness.
At this year’s event, the Rebound and Recovery team engaged children in activities about resilience, their emotions, and coping strategies, intertwining mental health and well-being with the magic of storytelling. READ MORE